Logo Analysis

A logo depicting a person

A logo depicting a person

A logo depicting technology

A logo depicting technology

A single color logo

A single color logo

A logo using Helvetica

A logo using Helvetica

A logo that has been redesigned several times over 50+ years

A logo that has been redesigned several times over 50+ years

A logo using a script typeface

A logo using a script typeface

A logo depicting fruit

A logo depicting fruit

A logo with 4 or more colors

A logo with 4 or more colors

A logo depicting an animal

A logo depicting an animal

A logo using a square serif typeface

A logo using a square serif typeface

A logo Parody

A logo Parody

Typography Analysis



The typeface I choose is from the NBA team the Chicago Bulls. The typeface is called Antique Condensed Regular which is a serif. This typeface is presented on there NBA uniform jerseys. Antique Condensed Regular is a bold typeface, I guess with it being bold it makes it better for the audience to view whiles the players are run up and down the court. It’s also very clean and doesn’t cause confusion for someone to understand what is said on the jersey. I believe when viewing this type without any idea of it being on a NBA jersey, people will still assume that it belongs on something dealing with sports. This typeface is appealing to me because of the clean look and colors that are chosen. The red color makes the text pop to catch a viewers attention, and with the black outline it brings dept to the typeface. This color scheme is shown on there home jersey, the away jersey the typeface is black with a white outline, which I think still brings attention the the viewer because black and white is a good contrast. Observing this typeface made me understand more about how important the type of text you choose if a major factor for advertisement. If the typeface is unclear it can bring confusion to the viewers eye.


My name is Ryan S, I am currently majoring in advertising design at City Tech. In this major I plan on learning how to create websites, ads etc. Getting feedback on my designs is a plus, this way it helps me better improve myself.