Sneaker Magazine Publication

The type of publication I would like to design is a magazine about sneakers. This magazine will be a 12 month subscription about all the newest and hottest sneakers during that year. The magazine will include sneaker release dates for each month the subscriber receives the magazine. The rest of the magazine will include ads, articles about topics in the sneaker world, and interviews from sneaker brands.

Design wise I would like to give the magazine a clean appearance, this way there’s no confusing to the person looking at the magazine. The front cover will change ever month with a new object or person. It will be filled with a large amount of images, this way when talking about the sneaker the reader will get a full look at what is being describe. Each sheet size of the magazine will be a full colored 8.5 x 11 size. The amount of pages will be around 50 for the most. The type of binding it will have will be saddle stitching. Each page will be a gloss paper finish.

Looking at blurb and lulu both site offer professional performance for anyone looking to publish there work. Blurb gives you a chance to create all types of publications. They offer how to’s if you get stuck on something all will sell you stuff on their site. Lulu is also another good site, they offer you to “hire an expert” just in case you may not think you can do it yourself. Both company’s offer to create ebook for smartphones and tablet viewing, which is a plus because everything is becoming digital. Another thing is buying in bulk will make your cost cheaper when using these 2 sites.

If I was to choose out of the 2 companys to publish my sneaker magazine it will be blurb. Blurb offer more types of print when publishing your work, they have a magazine printing selection which will help you layout your magazine. When creating my magazine they offer things like “print on demand services”, which means I can order as many copes when I want. Theres “full creative control” in which I can take my design straight from indesign and lay them out to be published. “Sales and distribution tools” so the magazine can be sold on their site. Lastly, “digital format” so subscribers will have the magazine on their computers, smartphones and ipads, which can create more people to subscribe due to hands on access. They also offer international mailing, which will be great to develop an international subscriber base. It’s also affordable to publish at a starting price of $10.99.

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